In my opinion there are five areas of every mom's life where she needs a good solid routine (There are probably more but then it wouldn't have been a Friday Five post.) So here are five of the big ones:
. A morning routine: Let's face it for most families mornings are nothing less than sheer chaos. You are trying to get yourself and your family ready, fed, and packed to head out and face the day. Along with being chaotic-- mornings are also stressful and one of the most common times of the day that fights break out amongst family members. You are still tired and rushed... never a good combination for anyone. However; having a good morning routine can ease some of that stress chaos by making mornings more predictable and less rushed.

Get kids up at the same time, have them get ready in the same order (kids like predictable), serve a healthy breakfast about the same time each morning, and try to always say goodbye without angry words... these things will always start your day off better.

You can pack briefcases, backpacks, purses, and diaper bags the night before with anything that will be needed the following day.
You can make your kid's lunches for school the night before (I do this with everything but the sandwich... I am not a big fan of soggy sandwiches- so I make those in the morning)
You can lay out tomorrow's clothes so that you do not have to dig and search for what everyone wants to wear in the morning.
You can pack briefcases, backpacks, purses, and diaperbags the night before with anything that will be needed the following day.
You can make your kid's lunches for school the night before (I do this with everything but the sandwhich... I am not a big fan of soggy sandwhiches- so I make those in the morning)
You can lay out tomorrow's clothes so that you do not have to dig and search for what everyone wants to wear in the morning.

4. A clean up Routine: If you have small children at home all day, set time aside twice a day is what I always tell clients. One clean up before lunch and one again before dinner. If you have not read our post about clean up songs be sure to check it out for a big improvement to how your little one's pick up toys!
If your children are older and you are not home as often than one evening clean up should be fine. The point is... clean up the messes daily when they are small and they will always be manageable... let them grow for days or weeks and everyone's stress level and reluctance to clean up will grow!
5. A routine for running Errands: Errands are inevitable... we all have to run by the bank, the store, the dry cleaners, etc... at some point in our weeks. I always tell clients to make a list of the errands they need to run the next day and write them down in the order you are going to run them so you are saving driving time and gas. Before you leave to run errands make sure that you have everything you will need to complete them; grocery list (check), dry cleaner stub (check), water bill to drop off (check).... you get the idea.
Need help developing a routine? I would love to help you develop some routines that are customized to your family's schedule. Click here to find out how I can help you.
If your children are older and you are not home as often than one evening clean up should be fine. The point is... clean up the messes daily when they are small and they will always be manageable... let them grow for days or weeks and everyone's stress level and reluctance to clean up will grow!

Need help developing a routine? I would love to help you develop some routines that are customized to your family's schedule. Click here to find out how I can help you.
Do you have an area in your life where routines really help? Leave me a comment; I would love to hear about it!
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